Professional Development for SD71 (Comox Valley) Teachers

Flex Pro-D days in August

  • The Joint Pro D Committee has gathered a variety of engaging professional learning opportunities for the FLEX Pro-D days scheduled during the last week of August.  August 28th & 29th, 2024, are FLEX Pro-D days in which teachers can choose to participate fully/ partially/ not at all, as these days are optional. Workshops are provided to offer teachers opportunities to fulfill their pro-d requirements, however, they can do their flexible pro-d hours throughout the school year (weekends, holidays, evenings) to fulfill their 2 paid days included in the 2nd week of spring break.

Reminder for Provincial/District PD Day

  • If a teacher remains at their school/location of work to do pro-d – no form is needed. This includes teachers doing any online workshop as they remain within their regular classroom/work location.
  • If a teacher is going to be out of the Comox Valley school district (Victoria, Vancouver, Nanaimo) to do pro-d, you must put in absence in AMS ‘Pro-D Out Of District’ with destination & details and have your principal’s approval before the trip out of Comox Valley. ​NIDES distance teachers are an exception, as they already work out of Comox Valley. They simply need to ensure their principal knows what pro-d work they intend to do on Pro-D Day.
    Note: if pro-d is being done during regular instruction days, and you need TOC coverage, please ensure you have enough pro-d funds to pay for this absence (from $350 -$456 /day) or if any school /district funds will be paying it.
  • If a teacher is doing pro-d activities outside their school/ regular work location, but within the Comox Valley school district (another school, museum, study group, etc.), they must go into the Absence AMS to enter “Pro-D In-District” with details for your pro-d activity so as to ensure your principal is aware of your location.
    Note: Participation in the Teacher February District Pro-D day only requires you to inform your principal and no AMS code is needed.


Teacher - Local Specialist Associations

The Pro-D Committee has funding available to support SD71 Local Specialist Associations (LSA).
If you would like to organize an LSA for SD71 please see the 5 steps below.
​The funds can be used to provide snacks for meetings, supplies, resources, day-care costs, thank you gifts for presenters, or even an honorariums.
Please contact if you have any questions or would like to create your own LSA!

5 Steps to set up your Local Specialist Association (LSA)
  • Email your LSA group name (examples: Library, Home Economics, Kindergarten, Counsellors, etc.).
  • Constitution/mission statement – brief goals for the LSA (just a couple of lines summarizing).
  • Give us a list of members/participants for your particular LSA.
  • Collect a small fee ($2- $10) from each member for costs/resources to run the meetings.
  • When you run out of funding from fees, you can utilize the $250 set up in your LSA with the Pro-D secretary @


Other PD Workshop Events:

OLTD is a great match for your teaching staff wishing to pursue graduate studies online and integrate blended learning and a technology-enhanced delivery model into their daily practice.