Professional Development for SD71 (Comox Valley) Teachers
Pro-D Forms
Flex Pro-D days in August
Reminder for Provincial/District PD Day
Teacher - Local Specialist Associations
The Pro-D Committee has funding available to support SD71 Local Specialist Associations (LSA).
If you would like to organize an LSA for SD71 please see the 5 steps below.
The funds can be used to provide snacks for meetings, supplies, resources, day-care costs, thank you gifts for presenters, or even an honorariums.
Please contact if you have any questions or would like to create your own LSA!
5 Steps to set up your Local Specialist Association (LSA)
Other PD Workshop Events:
OLTD is a great match for your teaching staff wishing to pursue graduate studies online and integrate blended learning and a technology-enhanced delivery model into their daily practice.