Professional Development for SD71 (Comox Valley) Teachers

Reminder for Provincial/District PD Day October 25th 2024
---> See here for QUICK LINK for all PSA workshops being offered

    If a teacher remains at their school/location of work to do pro-d – no form is needed. This includes teachers doing any online workshop as they remain within their regular classroom/work location.
    If a teacher is going to be out of the Comox Valley school district (Victoria, Vancouver, Nanaimo) to do pro-d, you must put in absence in AMS ‘Pro-D Out Of District’ with destination & details and have your principal’s approval before the trip out of Comox Valley. ​NIDES distance teachers are an exception, as they already work out of Comox Valley. They simply need to ensure their principal knows what pro-d work they intend to do on Pro-D Day.

    Note: if pro-d is being done during regular instruction days, and you need TOC coverage, please ensure you have enough pro-d funds to pay for this absence (from $350 -$456 /day) or if any school /district funds will be paying it.

    If a teacher is doing pro-d activities outside their school/ regular work location, but within the Comox Valley school district (another school, museum, study group, etc.), they must go into the Absence AMS to enter “Pro-D In-District” with details for your pro-d activity so as to ensure your principal is aware of your location.

    Note: Participation in the Teacher February District Pro-D day only requires you to inform your principal and no AMS code is needed.


    October 25th 2024 WORKSHOPS PSA Table 2024

  • 2025 SPRING BREAK ~ flex pro-d hours to make up 2 days in the spring break for teachers

    Teachers with assignments covering the spring break period need to ensure they’ve done 10 hours of flex pro-d (on your own time) = 1.0 FTE and complete the annual PLP online form to notify your principal what teacher personal pro-d you’ve done on your own to make up for the 2 days in spring break. This ensures you get paid.

    Your 10 hours of Flex Pro-D (10 hours = 1.0 FTE) can be completed at any time between July 1st – February 28th, outside of regular instruction hours or designated 2 Pro-D days (October Provincial & February District). This is for any teacher who is in an assignment that would be working over the spring break. If you are working a 0.5 FTE position, you would need to complete 5 hours flexible pro-d. If you are working a 1.0 FTE position, you would need to complete 10 hours of flexible pro-d.

    You must complete the annual online PLP (professional learning plan) form to provide how you are completing these flex pro-d hours to your administrator. This will fulfill your requirement to be paid in full during the 2nd week of spring break (combined with the Easter long weekend). You will be asked to indicate on your yearly Professional Learning Plan form how you have spent, or plan to spend, those hours in professional learning.

Flex Pro-D days in August

  • The Joint Pro D Committee has gathered a variety of engaging professional learning opportunities for the FLEX Pro-D days scheduled during the last week of August.  August 28th & 29th, 2024, are FLEX Pro-D days in which teachers can choose to participate fully/ partially/ not at all, as these days are optional. Workshops are provided to offer teachers opportunities to fulfill their pro-d requirements, however, they can do their flexible pro-d hours throughout the school year (weekends, holidays, evenings) to fulfill their 2 paid days included in the 2nd week of spring break.

Teacher - Local Specialist Associations

The Pro-D Committee has funding available to support SD71 Local Specialist Associations (LSA).
If you would like to organize an LSA for SD71 please see the 5 steps below.
​The funds can be used to provide snacks for meetings, supplies, resources, day-care costs, thank you gifts for presenters, or even an honorariums.
Please contact if you have any questions or would like to create your own LSA!

5 Steps to set up your Local Specialist Association (LSA)
  • Email your LSA group name (examples: Library, Home Economics, Kindergarten, Counsellors, etc.).
  • Constitution/mission statement – brief goals for the LSA (just a couple of lines summarizing).
  • Give us a list of members/participants for your particular LSA.
  • Collect a small fee ($2- $10) from each member for costs/resources to run the meetings.
  • When you run out of funding from fees, you can utilize the $250 set up in your LSA with the Pro-D secretary @


Other PD Workshop Events:

OLTD is a great match for your teaching staff wishing to pursue graduate studies online and integrate blended learning and a technology-enhanced delivery model into their daily practice.