Lucy Nelson

Teacher Mentorship:
​Lucy Nelson
Wednesdays at CDTA office
Peer Support:
SD71 Peer Support Coordinator
Telephone: 250-338-1461 Ext 3

Teacher Mentorship

Mentorship is up and running for the year! The program in being supported by SD71 and managed by the CDTA.

If you are interested in accessing mentorship or being a mentor, simply fill out the form and submit it to

You are free to organize your own mentee/mentor partnership or you can ask for a referral to a mentor. A mentor can be any educator that has experience or skills they would like to share with a colleague. The model is set up to support professional autonomy, with guidance available if you feel you need it. The teacher release time is up to 2 days per participating teacher, with more time available if budget allows. You can arrange to access this time in ways that meet your specific needs.

Once your application form is received you will get an email letting you know you can book off your release time through the AMS. Please do not book off through the AMS until you hear from us, as we need to track expenditures. There are suggestions for possible mentorship focus areas included on the attached form, or you can determine your own area of interest. The mentorship and peer support contact person this year is Lucy Nelson. .

Please fill out the form below and submit it or alternatively, email me directly at –, or by calling the CDTA office at 250 338-1461, Ext 3.

Teacher Peer Support

Teacher Peer Support

Teaching is a complex profession full of changing landscapes, a variety of relationships, significant responsibilities, and both joy and challenges. It can be hard work. We know, as teachers, that some of the deepest growth and learning takes place when we struggle and work to move through a challenge.

If you are currently experiencing something that you are finding professionally challenging or that you feel you could use some help with, you might want to consider self-referring to the Peer Support Program. It can be uncomfortable to ask for support or to express your needs when faced with things that seem difficult, frustrating, or even overwhelming. It can also be empowering to work collaboratively with another teacher who is committed to supporting you in your teaching profession and classroom practice.

Peer Support is an opportunity to develop a partnership with a colleague who has experience, compassion, and skills to share. It is a completely confidential, non-judgmental, non-evaluative process of two teachers working together. You can set your goals with your partner, brainstorm ideas, and share insights and concerns. The partnership is open to developing as you and your Peer Supporter decide.

There is release time available!

If you are interested or curious, please feel free to email me directly at –, or by calling the CDTA office at 250 338-1461, Ext 3.

Teacher Mentorship Application

Mentorship Application
Mentorship is when an experienced and trusted teacher facilitates the professional growth of another colleague / teacher
Establishing class routines
Organizing / Setting up classroom supports
Evaluating student progress
Increasing technology skills
Implementing student voice/student reflection
Maintaining student discipline
Maintaining personal / professional balance
Motivating reluctant learners
Communicating with parents
Sustainability/environmental curriculum
Local field trips
Outdoor learning
Lesson planning
Physical literacy
Body science K-7
Sexual health 8-12
French immersion
Gender inclusions
Implementing specific content (specify in learning intention)
Implementing the First Peoples Principles of Learning and Indigenous content
Release Time: There are up to 2 days available.
Please select the amount of release time you are requesting for the applicant and mentor.
If you have any questions please contact the Mentorship Coordinator, Lucy Nelson, at