Social Justice

Jacqueline Symons – Social Justice Chair

Social Justice Chair:
Jacqueline Symons

Welcome to the CDTA Social Justice page.

The CDTA has a duty to promote justice, fairness, and an appreciation of diversity within the public education system and the community-at-large.

The CDTA Social Justice Committee consolidates the following standing committees of the BCTF: Economic Justice, Anti-Racism, Disability Justice, LGBTQ2SI+ Advocacy, Status of Women, and Sustainability under one umbrella to address social justice issues.

Social Justice Chair: Jacqueline Symons

The Social Justice Committee meets approximately once a month in the CDTA office.

Rainbow Games - Friday, Oct 18th

Rainbow Games Info


We wish everyone a joyful and safe Pride season. The CDTA is committed to learning and growing in a way that positively impacts the professional lives of our 2SLGBTQ+ members. We acknowledge the past and continued struggles and barriers faced by 2SLGBTQ+/QBIPOC communities, and are focused on moving forward with respect, care, action, and advocacy.

Recently, in B.C. news, the BCTF received a favorable outcome in the Hansman v Neufeld ruling, which is the first from Canada’s highest court to consider British Columbia’s anti-SLAPP legislation, and to describe discrimination faced by transgender individuals in Canada.

Clint Johnston, current BCTF President, issued the following statement: “I want everyone in British Columbia’s education community, particularly 2SLGBTQ+ teachers, students, and families, to know the BCTF will always stand up for your safety and inclusion in our schools.”

Pride parades and festivals have a full and rich history across Turtle Island, and the first piece of legislation that decriminalized homosexuality was passed here, in what is now known as Canada. It is important that we all know about and share the stories of the people, actions, and turning points in Canadian queer history.

This year, we will be celebrating our own piece of Pride history. On May 31st, Courtenay council voted unanimously to approve the city’s first Pride parade which will take place on August 26th. The event is being organized by Queer Culture Comox Valley, who also organizes other 2SLGBTQ+ events in and around the area. We look forward to joining in and hope to see you there!

We celebrate the work being done in our schools and communities to create more 2SLGBTQ+ inclusive spaces and would like to uplift and support future actions. A special thank you to our SOGI reps and GSA sponsors for all they do to promote safe and welcoming learning environments.

Please share any projects or ideas you have with us and let us know how the CDTA can be of assistance.

Seeking School Social Justice Reps

Social change requires engaged community members. Are you passionate about social justice issues? Would you like to connect with other like-minded individuals? Then join us; we need you! Your CDTA Social Justice committee would like to have a social justice rep in every school. Please let your staff rep know of your interest and have them pass on your name and email to the CDTA office.

Role and Function of BCTF Social Justice Representatives

Role and function of SJ Reps

Difference Between the 3 Ss

Difference Between the 3 Ss

Social Justice Lens

Social Justice Lens Booklet